Thursday, December 15, 2011

I haven't blogged in awhile...

Lots have happened since I last posted. My father passed away suddenly on Thanksgiving. I unfortunately didn't get to know him as well I as I wish I would have but grateful for the year and a half that I did. He was a great guy and will be missed.
Then the Monday after my dad was buried I ended up having to put to sleep my 12 year old cat Lauren and bury her. Being pregnant right now it was a lot to take in a short time.
I miss them both very much :(
I had to see the specialist that Wednesday after my father was buried and my blood pressure was understandably high. Thankfully I went this past week and it was normal. It's amazing what stress will do!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


In a few months our lives are gonna change in a big way. We are going from married 10 years with 7 children to...married 10 years 7 cats  (maybe 6 as one is oldest Lauren) and one child.

My biggest prayer is that this child will strengthen our marriage. I know once you have children your marriage dynamics change and you can't forget that you are not just parents but are married and committed to one another.

I love my husband and after God he comes in second then my child after that. I love both of them but one day my child will leave and start a family of his own and if my husband and I keep our relationship on a solid foundation we will be stronger for it after our son leaves to start his own life.

So I look forward to the life changes God will bring. I never expected this particular change at this point in my life but welcome it with open arms.

BTW, Connor Ethan I can't wait to see you face to face.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Half way through…

It’s hard to believe I’m about half way through this pregnancy. Last week we found out we’re having a boy! I can’t wait to meet him face to face. My little miracle still doesn’t have a name chosen yet but we’re working on it.


Here’s a few photo’s from Baby boy W’s last ultrasound…

Baby Boy Wood 10-19-11 Baby Boy Wood 10-19-11 2

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My poor hubby

He was working on some shelves and while cutting a piece of wood it ended up hitting him and leaving him with a nasty bruise :(.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Testing my new mobile app.

I don't blog all that often but I thought I might do it more often if I had an app for my phone. We shall see ;)

Monday, September 19, 2011

14 almost 15 weeks…

It’s hard to believe that were getting close to the halfway point in my pregnancy. I’m still in awe over our little miracle. I can now relax a little now that I’m in my 2nd trimester. I’ll admit I was quite fearful that when I finally got to my 2nd appointment with my doctor I'd find out that I had a silent miscarriage but thankfully that didn’t happen.

So yeah I’m a bit paranoid with this pregnancy but considering I’ve been married to my sweet husband for 10 years and 8 of those 10 we never used anything to prevent pregnancy this pregnancy is such a blessing…something I didn’t remotely think was possible.


I went to the doctor today and everything looks great! I do have to see a specialist in a few days but not too worried. I got to see the baby again because they couldn’t get the heartbeat to show up on the Doppler. At first I though my worst fear came true but after they got my little guy or gal to show up on the sonogram and I saw him/her move and that little heartbeat going strong I knew everything was ok.

Baby Wood (2) 9-19-11 Baby W.

So now I’m looking forward to buying a few things for the baby! I probably won’t have to buy too much as I’ll probably have a few baby showers but still I definitely want to get a baby book soon and at least a cute outfit once we find out what were having that is ;) .

Well I’ll leave the update there for now… ‘til next time…

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Beware Of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves Matthew 7:15 
Today it seems more than ever we are seeing more and more false prophets (teachers, pastors) popping up leading a stray those who know Christ and those who are seeking Christ. These false prophets are slick and can fool even the most earnest Christian (Mark 13:22)

It seems lack of discernment is the problem. When you go too much with your heart (Jeremiah 17:9)  instead of the Holy spirit you can and will be mislead. Always check what your pastor, teacher or preacher/teacher on television, at a revival etc  tells you with scripture and always cross reference it with other scriptures. If they are just using one scripture to prove their point and are twisting what the scripture is saying run don’t walk!

Also observe how well your pastor really knows the scripture. I’ve heard of and have seen pastors mix up two different people in the scriptures and treat them like it’s one story. That usually shows that they really don’t have scripture knowledge and how can you preach about Jesus if you haven’t a clue to what his word says? A lot of these same preachers actually lack in use of scripture in their sermons and the sermons are based very loosely on a “christian” feel good theme. If that’s all they preach on then again run don’t walk!There’s so much more to the scripture that just making you feel good. It should challenge you, encourage you and cause you to act upon it and above all teach you how to follow Christ and lead others to him!

This subject has been on my heart for a few years and while I know it can make people mad I had to speak up! Too many are being led a stray and it breaks my heart to see those people misled by a so called man of God/woman of God. I pray that each and everyone who reads this will search the scriptures for themselves and if they see that their pastor/teacher etc. is on a true solid foundation or are on a sandy soil ( Matthew 7:24-27.)  If they find that the pastor/teacher is on that sandy soil that they will leave and find a church that truly preaches what is taught in scripture.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The impossible became possible…


My husband and I found out about a miracle. A miracle that we NEVER thought was possible. A miracle we pray to God that will bless others as much as it is already blessing us. After 10 years of marriage and 8 yrs of not doing anything to prevent it we found out we are going to have a baby.

Years ago my MIL mentioned she remember a doctor saying that my husband couldn’t produce children and about 2 years ago he got tested and everything seemed to be ok with him so I figured well maybe it’s me and/or somehow that test was wrong. Guess I was wrong on all accounts. LOL I’m very glad I was wrong. :)

The reason I found out was I had decided to actually find out whether or not I was on a 28 day cycle or a 30 day cycle. I’d never tracked my period before…it happened when it happened. I was just thankful it was short! I figured it was probably a 30 day one as I couldn’t remember it jumping 2 or more days a month.

Day 1 past and I thought ok I probably am late or miscalculated it. Day 2 passed and I was getting a bit more concerned but thinking back to what I wrote above I thought no it’s impossible…there’s NO way I could be pregnant even though I did notice there were things changing in my body. By Day 5 I was still in denial a little bit but knew in my heart there was no other explanation. I had told my husband on Day 4 I believe that there was a little chance I MIGHT be pregnant and he seemed pretty calm for which I was glad. LOL

Day 5 I told my mom about the possibility of it and she seemed pretty excited I still didn’t know how I felt. I was excited in away but didn’t want to have the hope for it and it not be true. Day 6 of the missed period my husband and I were at Wal-Mart and I decided well it won’t hurt to test…it will probably like the others I’ve taken and be a negative. Well we get home and I took the test. A test that said it should come back in 3 minutes and the test came back a positive in about a minute and a half! I felt like crying but managed to hold it back so I could tell my husband. I walk out the bedroom door and heard the screen door slam as my husband came into the house and I show him the positive test and the first thing out of his mouth was we need to call the doctor. I could tell he was pretty excited as I was.

We made the rounds to all the family and when we got home I decided to take the second test and it came back just as quick and just as positive as the first. Today we got the official confirmation that we indeed truly are expecting a baby. Now I know all the things that could go wrong and that could happen but my prayer is that everything in spite of me will go well. That any health problems I might have are gone at least until the baby’s born. This is an unexpected blessing that we never thought could happen and we welcome him/her or them (twins run on both sides of my family and at least one side of my husbands) with open loving arms.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I've started a new blog in addition to this one


I've been busy starting a new blog on my 8 cats. It's called Life with 8 crazy cats. Right now I'm introducing each kitty and after all that's over I'll try to tell stories about their crazy lives and have some really cute pictures to go along with it. Here's the link in case anyone is interested...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hi everybody!

It's been a while since I've posted on my blog. Lifes been a bit busy so I haven't had much time to work on this blog. Let's see November was the last time I posted so...

December saw my husband and I going to visit my newly found family in East TX for Christmas we had a great time and was sad to come back home.

January we rang in the New Year at the house but wish I would have gone out to photograph the fireworks. Next Year that's my plan for next year :) Here's one shot I did get from the neighbors who were shooting off fireworks.

January also saw my father turning 70 so I went back up to East TX  and saw him for his birthday. I gave him 2 prints that were on my wall. One a TX flag windmill and a bluebonnet. Both photos I took last year. I also made him a chocolate cake. I think he liked it :)

Before I left for the trip my old cars transmission went out and we had to get a new to us vehicle so I finally have my dream vehicle...a minivan! Now you might need to know it's just my husband and I and 8 cats so no kiddos to drag around town. So you might think a minivan is a bit over kill but trust me after having small tiny cars where you can't carry anything in it and long trips with a ton of stuff in the back seat where you can BARELY see out the back can push you to a bigger vehicle. Of course the gas prices decided to soar after we buy it but I still love it!

I also ended up getting sick once I got back home. I was sick for about 2 weeks.

February my husband and I celebrated Valentines day at a local favorite restaurant. I was just getting over the stuff that I got from my East TX trip so I ended up taking most of it home. Can't think of anything else that happened that month.

March we ended up going back to East TX to take my cousin a new to her computer. The one I gave her which was pretty old bit the dust and my husband had a similar one that we gave her. We stayed up there for about 3-4 days and the day after I come back well I'm sick again! I think it's my house or the town we live in. I'm fine up at her house it's just horrible when I get home.

So I still need a little prayer to finish getting over all this stuff esp. the fact I can't pop my ear. It's going on day 3 or 4 and it's annoying!

Well I hope you have enjoyed this little glimpse into my life.