I don't blog all that often but I thought I might do it more often if I had an app for my phone. We shall see ;)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
14 almost 15 weeks…
It’s hard to believe that were getting close to the halfway point in my pregnancy. I’m still in awe over our little miracle. I can now relax a little now that I’m in my 2nd trimester. I’ll admit I was quite fearful that when I finally got to my 2nd appointment with my doctor I'd find out that I had a silent miscarriage but thankfully that didn’t happen.
So yeah I’m a bit paranoid with this pregnancy but considering I’ve been married to my sweet husband for 10 years and 8 of those 10 we never used anything to prevent pregnancy this pregnancy is such a blessing…something I didn’t remotely think was possible.
I went to the doctor today and everything looks great! I do have to see a specialist in a few days but not too worried. I got to see the baby again because they couldn’t get the heartbeat to show up on the Doppler. At first I though my worst fear came true but after they got my little guy or gal to show up on the sonogram and I saw him/her move and that little heartbeat going strong I knew everything was ok.
So now I’m looking forward to buying a few things for the baby! I probably won’t have to buy too much as I’ll probably have a few baby showers but still I definitely want to get a baby book soon and at least a cute outfit once we find out what were having that is ;) .
Well I’ll leave the update there for now… ‘til next time…