"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves Matthew 7:15
Today it seems more than ever we are seeing more and more false prophets (teachers, pastors) popping up leading a stray those who know Christ and those who are seeking Christ. These false prophets are slick and can fool even the most earnest Christian (Mark 13:22)
It seems lack of discernment is the problem. When you go too much with your heart (Jeremiah 17:9) instead of the Holy spirit you can and will be mislead. Always check what your pastor, teacher or preacher/teacher on television, at a revival etc tells you with scripture and always cross reference it with other scriptures. If they are just using one scripture to prove their point and are twisting what the scripture is saying run don’t walk!
Also observe how well your pastor really knows the scripture. I’ve heard of and have seen pastors mix up two different people in the scriptures and treat them like it’s one story. That usually shows that they really don’t have scripture knowledge and how can you preach about Jesus if you haven’t a clue to what his word says? A lot of these same preachers actually lack in use of scripture in their sermons and the sermons are based very loosely on a “christian” feel good theme. If that’s all they preach on then again run don’t walk!There’s so much more to the scripture that just making you feel good. It should challenge you, encourage you and cause you to act upon it and above all teach you how to follow Christ and lead others to him!
This subject has been on my heart for a few years and while I know it can make people mad I had to speak up! Too many are being led a stray and it breaks my heart to see those people misled by a so called man of God/woman of God. I pray that each and everyone who reads this will search the scriptures for themselves and if they see that their pastor/teacher etc. is on a true solid foundation or are on a sandy soil ( Matthew 7:24-27.) If they find that the pastor/teacher is on that sandy soil that they will leave and find a church that truly preaches what is taught in scripture.